Analyst Report

IDC Spotlight Report: The Power of a PX Strategy in Omnichannel Commerce

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Sep 15, 2021

Interview with the Analyst: The PXM Chronicles (Q&A)

As PXM is rapidly emerging as a best practice, you have questions. Who should be involved in PXM? What business processes does it cover? Do I need specialized technology? What do I look for in a solution? How do I prepare to adopt PXM?




Optimized Catalog Management
Product Experience Management

Want to see it?

Product Experience Management is a new profession, one that unites people, processes, and technology. Its objective is to enable B2C retailers and brands and B2B manufacturers and distributors to deliver the compelling product experiences customers expect when shopping and buying.

The result? More sales, fewer returns, and more productive catalog management.

As PXM is rapidly emerging as a best practice, you have questions. Who should be involved in PXM? What business processes does it cover? Do I need specialized technology? What do I look for in a solution? How do I measure our results? How do I prepare to adopt PXM?

In this session we’ve invited IDC’s Research Director of Digital Commerce to discuss questions we have sourced from the audience.

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