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IDC Spotlight Report: The Power of a PX Strategy in Omnichannel Commerce

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Jan 19, 2024 3 min to read

Harness the Power of Community-Sourced Product Experiences

Explore the game-changing trend in eCommerce where brands and retailers leverage their most knowledgeable asset—their customers—to enhance product information. Learn from real-life success stories and discover the transformative impact that community-sourced Product Experience (PX) can have on your business and customer experience.


Product Experience
Retail Trends
Nobody knows your product better than those who use it day in and day out; that’s right, your customers.

While some of us have been turning towards new technologies like AI to improve product information accuracy, others have turned to their in-house community of product experts to source product information corrections, enhancements, and additions.

In an effort to ensure that 42 million data points for over 6 million products is up-to-date and accurate, Swiss retailer Galaxus recently introduced the ability for customers to correct and supplement product information to enhance the quality of details published on product pages.

Outdoor clothing & gear retailer Backcountry has been sourcing product information from consumers for years now – On every product page they have a link where you can report incorrect product information, and updates promise to be reflected within 72 hours.

Backcountry Community-Sourced PX

Both of these examples underscore a fundamental truth: amidst the allure of cutting-edge technologies, the authentic voice of the customer remains an invaluable asset. The shift towards community-sourced product information recognizes that the lived experiences and nuanced understanding of customers bring a level of authenticity and depth that algorithms alone cannot match.

As this momentum of customer-centric information sourcing gains momentum, let’s take a look at the basics of this strategy and how more reliable and up-to-date product data can positively impact the customer experience.


What is Community-Sourced PX?

Community-Sourced Product Experience (PX) is a collaborative approach in the retail and eCommerce landscape where brands and retailers leverage the expertise and insights of their customer community to enhance and refine product information. In this model, customers actively contribute to the accuracy, completeness, and overall quality of product details, transforming them from passive consumers into engaged participants.

This process involves allowing customers to identify and rectify missing or inaccurate product information, ranging from specifications and usage details to reviews and recommendations. Brands embrace the collective intelligence of their community to ensure that product pages reflect a comprehensive and authentic portrayal of their offerings.

Community-Sourced PX goes beyond traditional methods of data curation, recognizing that customers, as end-users intimately acquainted with the products, bring a level of authenticity and nuanced understanding that automated systems or internal teams might not possess. It fosters a sense of collaboration, turning customers into valuable contributors who actively shape the narrative of product information, ultimately influencing the overall customer experience and building stronger connections between brands and their audience.


What are the Benefits of Community-Sourced PX?


Create a Community of Contributors

In the conventional retail model, customers often play a passive role, limited to the transactional aspect of purchasing. However, the advent of Community-Sourced PX elevates customers to the status of active participants. They are no longer mere observers but contributors, actively shaping the landscape of product information.

This shift is akin to inviting customers into the inner circle, where their insights and expertise are valued. As customers see their suggestions and corrections influencing product details, a sense of ownership takes root. They become stakeholders in the brand’s success, fostering a deeper connection that extends beyond individual transactions. This sense of community becomes a powerful driver of brand loyalty as customers no longer perceive themselves as detached consumers but as integral members of a community invested in the brand’s growth and improvement.

Proof of Customer-Centricity

Brands that actively listen, acknowledge, and implement customer feedback demonstrate a genuine commitment to evolving in tandem with their audience. This responsiveness is not merely a reactive measure but a proactive stance, illustrating that the brand is attuned to the ever-changing needs and expectations of its consumer base.

As customers witness their feedback translating into tangible improvements or corrections in product information, a powerful narrative of customer-centricity unfolds. The brand becomes more than just a provider of products; it transforms into a responsive partner, actively seeking to enhance the customer experience. This proactive engagement fosters a sense of trust, as customers recognize that their opinions matter and are instrumental in shaping the brand’s direction.

Promote UGC (User-Generated Content)

The concept of Community-Sourced PX is a goldmine for User-Generated Content (UGC). As customers actively contribute key information or share their genuine experiences, brands and retailers are able to enrich product pages and encourage other customers to share their own experiences or feedback, creating a better overall customer experience.

The authenticity embedded in UGC is unparalleled. It goes beyond the glossy marketing language and staged visuals, offering a real and unfiltered glimpse into the product’s impact on the lives of actual consumers. Community-Sourced PX provides a platform for customers to share their triumphs, challenges, and unique use cases, creating a mosaic of diverse perspectives that resonate with a broader audience.

Flag Missing/Incomplete Data & Patterns

Customers, intimately acquainted with products, are quick to identify gaps or inaccuracies.Their keen observations stem from a genuine connection with the products they use, making them adept at recognizing nuances that automated systems or internal teams might overlook. 

This collaborative approach helps flag missing or incomplete data and uncover patterns that might have been overlooked. The community acts as an extended set of eyes, collectively ensuring that product details are not only accurate but also reflective of the nuanced qualities that make each product unique. Plus, if your team notices that certain products or product lines are continually getting flagged for incomplete or inaccurate information, it may help your team identify gaps or inefficiencies in your publishing processes.

Improve Overall Quality and Reliability of Product Information

With the collective contribution of the community, brands can significantly enhance the overall quality and reliability of their product information, ensuring accuracy and completeness. This process is akin to a collaborative audit, where the community serves as a vigilant team, ensuring that every product detail aligns with the reality perceived by those who actually use the products. Whether it’s correcting specifications, validating usage scenarios, or adding nuanced information, the collective intelligence of the community becomes an invaluable resource for brands striving to deliver accurate and comprehensive product information.

Plus, this collaborative approach fosters a culture of continuous improvement. As community members actively engage with product details, brands gain real-time insights into evolving customer needs and expectations. This iterative feedback loop allows brands to adapt swiftly, ensuring that product information remains relevant and aligned with the dynamic nature of consumer preferences.


What are the Benefits of Providing More Reliable Product Information?

Reduced Return Rates

When product details are accurate and comprehensive, customers are empowered to make informed purchasing decisions, reducing the likelihood of dissatisfaction and subsequent returns. This, in turn, results in a significant decrease in return rates and the associated costs for both customers and brands.

Plus, the decrease in return rates contributes to improved customer satisfaction. Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat buyers and brand advocates. They appreciate the brand’s commitment to providing reliable information, fostering loyalty and positive word-of-mouth. In the long run, this positive cycle not only minimizes the financial impact of returns but also enhances the brand’s reputation and customer relationships.

Better Searchability & Site Functionality

Accurate product data lays the foundation for precise and relevant search results. When customers search for specific products or features, the accuracy of the data ensures that the search algorithm can effectively match their queries with the most relevant products, eliminating the frustration of irrelevant results and allowing customers to quickly and effortlessly find exactly what they are looking for.

An up-to-date and accurate product catalog also enhances the overall navigation experience. Customers can intuitively explore product categories, filter options, and refine their searches based on accurate specifications. This organized structure contributes to a user-friendly environment and streamlines the decision-making process, enabling customers to browse and purchase with ease and confidence.

More Consistent Omnichannel Customer Experience

Whether a customer engages with a brand through the website, a mobile app, social media, or in-store, having consistent and accurate product information creates a unified brand presence. Accurate and uniform product data facilitates a smooth transition for customers moving between channels. Whether they research online and buy in-store or vice versa, having consistent data eliminates friction points, making the transition effortless and enhancing overall customer satisfaction. This cohesion reinforces brand identity, conveying a sense of reliability and professionalism to customers, regardless of their chosen touchpoint.

For brands aiming to deliver personalized experiences, consistency in product data is paramount. A unified understanding of product details allows for more effective cross-channel personalization strategies. Whether recommending related products online or offering tailored promotions in-store, a foundation of consistent product data enables brands to understand and anticipate customer preferences across the entire omnichannel landscape.


The Future of Community-Sourced PX

Community-Sourced PX invites customers into an exclusive inner circle, where their insights and expertise are valued. The shift from passive observers to engaged participants fosters a sense of ownership and community. Customers become integral stakeholders in the brand’s success, nurturing a deeper connection that transcends individual transactions. This newfound sense of community emerges as a powerful catalyst for brand loyalty, as customers recognize themselves as vital contributors to the brand’s growth and improvement.

While the concept of Community-Sourced PX might still be in its infancy, it holds the power to not only redefine how brands curate information but also reshape the entire customer journey. This collaborative evolution paves the way for a retail experience that is not only accurate and reliable but also deeply rooted in community, authenticity, and a customer-centric ethos. 

Interested in learning more about how you can harness the power of your community to improve your product experience offering? Reach out to a PX expert today!

Akeneo Product Cloud

Discover how our composable technology can help your team source, centralize, and produce more accurate product information today.

Casey Paxton, Content Marketing Manager


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