Discover how different fashion brands, from luxury to high fashion to outdoor gear retailers and more, are embracing the resale market and encouraging sustainable purchases by providing a place for consumers to buy and sell pre-loved items.
Discover expert tips on maximizing your PIM system and leveraging Akeneo’s capabilities. Learn how to automate tasks, improve collaboration, and enhance product data quality to boost efficiency, increase revenue, and create seamless customer experiences.
Read moreJanuary is the busiest season for returns, but what really drives shoppers to send products back? Our latest survey reveals the top 10 insights into consumer return behavior. Whether you’re a retailer looking to reduce return rates or a brand aiming to build stronger customer relationships, these findings will help you turn returns from a headache into an opportunity.
Read moreThese days, B2B buyers and B2C shoppers are harder to please than ever. They, of course, want to find a product that suits their needs — but they a
Read moreLearn what product bundling is and explore its various types. Discover how businesses can implement this strategy effectively and leverage PIM to enhance efficiency, boost revenue, and drive growth.
Read moreUncover the deceptive tactics of greenwashing and how companies manipulate sustainability claims to appear more eco-friendly than they truly are. Learn how to spot misleading marketing and the ways businesses can be transparent.
Read moreThe latest analyst reports from IDC and Gartner are out, and Akeneo has been recognized as a leader in a number of different ways! From our AI-powered innovations to seamless product activation capabilities, these reports highlight why Akeneo stands out in the industry. Whether you’re exploring a PIM solution or looking to future-proof your product experience strategy, these insights offer valuable takeaways.
Read moreWith greenwashing at an all-time high and consumer trust at an all-time low, discover how real-life businesses across different industries are proving that real sustainability isn’t just about marketing; it’s about data, transparency, and long-term impact.
Read moreDive into the heart of sustainable marketing: what it means, why it matters, and how leveraging the right data and the right technology can streamline sustainability efforts, ensuring increased sales, enriched data, and an enhanced customer experience.
Read moreStaying ahead of sustainability regulations may seem like a daunting task, but it can be a golden opportunity for businesses to lead in transparency, accountability, and innovation. Discover the actionable steps you can take for proactive compliance, including how to leverage the right data and tech to meet evolving standards.
Read moreDiscover how reverse logistics enables businesses to support a circular economy by repairing and recycling products, promoting sustainability, generating revenue, enhancing customer experiences, and boosting brand reputation.
Read moreIn a world where consumer behavior evolves at lightning speed, traditional, one-size-fits-all tech solutions often don’t cut it anymore. Discover how composable PIM solutions can empower businesses to build tailored, modular digital ecosystems that grow and adapt as their needs change.
Read moreOnline returns may feel like a simple convenience, but their environmental costs are detrimental, ranging from carbon emissions equivalent to millions of cars to billions of pounds of waste filling landfills each year. Discover the ecological impact of returns, along with four actionable strategies designed to help retailers reduce returns, minimize waste, and create a more sustainable future without compromising customer satisfaction.
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