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Nov 28, 2016

From Overwhelming to Organized: Scaling Global Product Management

Find out all you need to know about how retailers can organize their products and adapt their operations to new geographic markets!



Whether you’re a retailer with hundreds of stores or a popular online business, you’re likely setting your sights on new, international markets. Why not? Entering a new country is an excellent way to dramatically increase sales, especially when the domestic market is stagnant and saturated.

With the growth of online sales channels and the easing of restrictive regulations, retailers are facing less barriers than ever to sell abroad, especially in the European Union. From the consumer point of view, safer payment methods, stronger consumer protection, and streamlined logistics all contribute to increased cross-border online shopping.

Tantalized by the opportunities offered by international expansion? This guide is a practical tool that outlines how online retailers can organize their products and adapt their operations to new geographic markets.

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