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Aug 12, 2019

[Video] Goupil Experience Finale!

It’s the moment you’ve been waiting all summer for — the finale of The Goupil Experience is finally here!So far, we’ve seen our brave heroes ...


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Goupil Experience
goupil experience summer comedy video series
product experience management
product information management

It’s the moment you’ve been waiting all summer for — the finale of The Goupil Experience is finally here!

So far, we’ve seen our brave heroes try just about everything they can think of to locate a new Goupil. From voice assistants to social media and from hotlines and catalogs to advertising and social media, nothing has worked. Now, Ake has become Julia’s full-time roommate — and it’s driving her nuts and making her boyfriend jealous!

There’s seemingly no chance Ake will be able to return to his home time period, not with all the product information challenges that Goupil is facing. But maybe Julia’s boyfriend can help— even if he doesn’t realize it yet —  and Ake can help him in return…

Get your product information and product experience ready for the future! Learn how PIM and PXM can help your team conquer these new sales channels with relative ease by reading our blog on Turning A New Commerce Channel Into A Success or get in touch today!

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