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Déc 09, 2015

Variant groups to manage your ranges of products

Like a lot of companies, you probably have ranges of products where all the attributes have the exact same content, except for some axis of variations...


Product Focus

Like a lot of companies, you probably have ranges of products where all the attributes have the exact same content, except for some axis of variations (i.e. clothes can have different sizes and colors, but they are exactly the same products and will probably have the same technical information, same description, or price). That’s why we created variant groups: to simplify your work!

A variant group is made to manage a group of products that are reunited under the same name, and that will have several common attributes but some axis of variation. This will allow you to fill in only one product sheet for multiple skus, to manage them from one central place and will save you so much time!

To have more details and really understand how convenient and easy are variant groups, have a look at the video…


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Déc 16, 2024 7 min to read

Amazon Vendor vs. Amazon Seller

Vendre sur Amazon est un excellent moyen d'atteindre de nouveaux clients et d'augmenter votre chiffre d’affaires, mais il ne suffit pas de s’y...

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Oct 04, 2024 5 min

Comment Akeneo s’intègre avec la Marketplace eBay

Découvrez comment la dernière intégration d'Akeneo avec la Marketplace eBay permet aux entreprises de syndiquer facilement leurs catalogues...

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Sep 03, 2024

L’Avenir du B2B : Un virage numérique indispensable

Découvrez les enseignements clés de notre enquête de 2024 auprès des leaders de l'industrie B2B, révélant les défis et les opportunités...

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